- Control
Gateway District Bowls Association Inc, (GDBA), Match Committee shall control this event and will give reasonable notice when altering the playing programme, conditions of play, format of play, and the greens to compensate for unforeseen circumstances whilst managing the GDBA, district’s, Men’s Open Singles Championship.
Chairman of Match, (COM), Mr Roger A Burns, 0418-309719, his representative, Mr Tom Mullen, 0408-762402, or a member of GDBA Board of Management, may act in an emergency. The Match Committee, COM or his representative are entrusted with the power to act in a manner consistent with the revised conditions, the Laws of the Sport of Bowls, Crystal Mark, 3rd Edition-Version 3.1, dated April 2019. COM, his representative or GDBA Board of Management decisions are final.
- GDBA events are open to ordinary male and junior male members who are financial members of Clubs affiliated with the GDBA at the date and time of entry and for the duration of the championship.
- Nominations:
- Entries must be accompanied with the prescribed fee and received by GDBA Treasurer or Secretary of GDBA prior to the advertised closing date and time of the championship.
- Players are not permitted to compete if their nomination fee has not been received by the closing date and time. Nominations, with payment entry fees, received after the advertised closing date and time will be recorded as reserves.
- After the draw, Nomination Fees are not refundable; notwithstanding proven inability to participate.
- A player who is suspended, expelled, disqualified or in contravention of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark, 3rd Edition Version 3.1, dated April 2019, GDBA Constitution and By-laws is ineligible to play in the championship.
- A player intending to withdraw from the championship must notify the COM, his representative, the GDBA Match Committee and the Host Club 24 hours prior to the scheduled starting date and time.
- A player withdrawing shall forfeit their match and be subjected to the provisions of Clause C below.
- The match shall be awarded to the player’s opponent. Notwithstanding that the COM, his representative may arrange a replacement player.
- On any day of play a player not in attendance or not ready to play within 30 minutes of the scheduled starting date and time will be recorded as forfeited.
- Should a player fail to fulfil his engagement without justifiable cause, the player may be disqualified from playing in District events and pennants, for a period of up to 12 months.
- At the discretion of the COM, his representative or the Match Committee, and, with the consent of the Board of Management the above penalty may be reviewed.
- Before start of play or on the resumption of an unfinished game from a previous day, the COM or his representative or the Controlling Body may permit one trial end each way using the same number of bowls that will be used in the Championship game.
- These ends must be completed within 10 minutes of the scheduled starting date and time.
- When a rink is available, other than the one on which a player has been drawn to play on in a subsequent round; players are entitled to practice.
- A player scheduled to meet a player who has played on the same day may practice, provided there is no delay to the championship programme.
- Practice shall cease one hour prior to the scheduled starting date and time of the championship.
- GDBA events require a rink widths not less than 4.3m and no greater than 5.8m. Rinks shall be marked on the green and social play is not permitted on that green except, when only 3 rinks or less are required for the District Championship.
- Should a green be unfit for play the venue club shall notify the COM or the Match Committee and no player may leave the venue until alternative arrangements are confirmed.
- Owing to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, and, at the discretion of the COM, his representative or the Match Committee, a championship game may be re-scheduled to an indoor or undercover venue.
- Artificial lighting is permitted.
- Venue Club shall provide a Non- Playing National Accredited Umpire for the championship.
- Should a Club be unable to provide an umpire they are authorised to appoint an umpire from a nearby Club or the District Umpire. Lady Umpires are eligible.
- The Venue Club is required to transmit game results using Email, Text or Phone to the Match Committee after the day’s play.
- Venue Club should make available suitable lunches for purchase throughout the championship.
- Retain all signed cards and record the results into Bowlslink.
- GDBA Men’s Championship Competition is governed by the rules and by-laws of Bowls Australia, (BA), Bowls Queensland, (BQ) and the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark 3rd Edition, Version 3.1, April 2019.
- Club registered and approved attire bearing the BA logo is to be worn at all times whilst competing in the Championship.
- Attire supplied by Bowls manufacturers or retailers is not permitted.
- Player appearing in attires other than that described in item, (b), above will be disqualified.
- Shorts and long socks are permitted.
- Mufti clothing is not permitted in this GDBA Championship.
- During play electronic devices, mobile phones, radios and paging devices, (except pagers required for emergency work, approved by the GDBA), are not permitted within 6.0m of the playing green.
- Once approved by COM or GDBA, temporary adhesive markings are permitted,
- Eliminated players are required as markers for post-sectional play.
- Scorecards are to be signed by both players as correct and be retained by the Venue Club until the completion of the competition. Failure to comply with this condition may result in forfeiture of the game.
- BA, BQ and GDBA extreme weather conditions are to be observed.
- Smoking regulations will be strictly enforced.
- Players must comply with host club rules and Government health requirements.
- When a player is disqualified, the player last defeated by the disqualified player shall take the place of the disqualified player.
- After a game has finished, a player proven to be breach of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark 3rd Edition, version 3.1, April 2019, that player shall be disqualified and the match awarded to the second placed player.
- Entry fees must accompany a nomination form – Singles $25.00 per player.
All fees paid to GDBA via: GDBA direct
Electronic Funds Transfer
ROUND 1 8.45am – 11.05am
ROUND 2 11.20am – 1.40pm
ROUND 3 2.10pm – 4.30pm
- Singles will be sectional play with each section consisting of three (3) players. Each game shall be 21 shots up with a time limit of 2 hours 20 minutes. End to be played out if commenced before the bell.
- Post sectional play shall be 25 shots up with no time limit.
ROUND 4 8.45am – 12.00pm
QUARTER FINAL 12.45pm – 4.30pm
SEMI FINAL 8.45am – 12.00pm
FINAL 12.45pm – 4.30pm
Order of play for Singles: (Typical)
Round 1: 1 v 2 Marker is 3.
Round 2: Loser of Round 1 v 3 (Marker is 1 or 2.)
Round 3: Winner Round 1 v 3 (Marker is 2 or 1.)
2.1. Sectional winners and rankings will be decided as follows:
2.2. Highest number of game shots scored will be ranked higher.
2.3. If game shots are equal, the player with the highest net total shots over all games in the section, (shots for minus shots against), will be ranked higher.
2.4. If game shots and net total shots are equal, the controlling body will divide a players total shots for by the total shots against to calculate a shot percentage. The player with the highest shot percentage will be ranked higher.
2.5. If game shots, net total shots and shots percentage are all equal, the player who won the game between the player that are equal within their section will be ranked higher.
2.6. If game shots, net total shots and shots percentage are all equal and the players who are tied played a draw or recorded no result in their match, they will be ranked as follows:
2.6.1. by the least ends lost in Singles.
- Both cards are to be completed front and back and signed and time recorded at the completion of each match.
- After signing, scorecards are not to be altered and immediately delivered to the games manager.
- Should a mistake be discovered and the opponents disagree then the umpire is called to adjudicate.
- Thence, if no resolution is found the end where the mistake was found shall be declared a nil score and the scorecards adjusted accordingly.