The Gateway District (G.D.B.A.) Match Committee shall have complete control of these events, with the power to alter the programme or conditions of play if deemed necessary or expedient. The Chairman of the Match Committee, his representative and/or Member of the Board of Management may act for the Committee in any emergency requiring urgent attention, and, if circumstances preclude consultation with Members of the Match Committee, he is delegated the power to act in a manner not inconsistent with these conditions or Laws of the Sport of Bowls – Crystal Mark Edition. Any decision by the Match Committee or Board of Management shall be final.

  • All games shall be played under the Laws of the Sport of Bowls – Crystal Mark Edition and these conditions of play as varied from time to time.
  • All events shall be “knockout” and be subject to an open draw.

Singles shall be 25 shots up and all other games played over 21 ends. If a tie exists after the last end then an extra end or ends to be played to gain a result.

  • Leads and seconds are not permitted to follow their bowls or be called to the head, but the third and skip may do so after delivering their first bowl.
  • In the event of a stoppage due to inclement weather or other valid reason, the Match Committee shall arrange for the continuation of play having regard to other pre-arranged events.
  • All events are open to Ordinary Male and Junior Male members who are fully paid up financial members of Clubs affiliated with the G.D.B.A.
  • These competitions are restricted to the player (in singles) or the teams (in pairs and fours), who have won the Current Calendar Years Club Championship. If a Club fails to complete any of its championship events by the scheduled starting date of play-offs, then that Club is not eligible to compete in that years Champion of Champions event.
  • A member of two or more Clubs is eligible to represent the G.D.B.A. Club in which he has won the Championship Singles/pairs/Fours, provided that, having won championships in more than one Club, he may only represent the Club for which he has declared, under the terms of Bowls Australia Domestic Regulations and G.D.B.A. By-law G, BY 21ST. January in any year. This condition must be strictly observed.
  • All entries to all events must be accompanied by the prescribed nomination fee and authenticated by the Club Secretary. Entries must be forwarded so as to reach the G.D.B.A Secretary no later than the advised closing date. Players will not be allowed to compete in any event if payment of the nomination fee has not been received by the G.D.B.A.
  • Any player who is in contravention of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls – Crystal Mark Edition, District constitution Rule B6 or District By-law G, shall be disallowed entry into any District competition.
  • A Team/player intending/having to withdraw must notify the Match Committee and the host Club not later than the scheduled starting time on the day of the event. Any Team/player withdrawing shall be classed as having forfeited. The match shall be awarded to the opponent/s.
  • On the day of play, any team/player not in attendance or not ready to play within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time shall be forfeited.
  • If any team or player fails to fulfil an engagement without justifiable cause the Player may be fined TWENTY DOLLARS ($20.00) and a team may be fined TWENTY DOLLARS ($20.00) PER PLAYER and may be disallowed from playing in any District events, including pennants, for a period of twelve (12) months. Any penalty imposed shall be at the discretion of the Match Committee and with approval of the Board of Management.
  • Any player or team failing to notify the Match Committee and the host Club of their withdrawal from an event must forward full green fees to the host Club.
  • Trial ends – Before start of play on any day, or on resumption of an unfinished game from another day. The Controlling body may permit one trial end each way using as many bowls as will be used in the game. Law
  • Trial ends must be completed 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time.
  • Practice – An intended player or team due to meet a player or team who has previously played on the same day, may practice, provided there is sufficient time available without delaying the competition and a rink is available other than the one on which the player or team has been drawn to play in a subsequent round. If two such teams or players are entitled to practice, they may practice together. Law
  • Practice shall not be allowed any later than 1 hour prior to the scheduled starting time, except for the requirements of clause C.
  • In all District events, the width of rinks for play shall be not less than 5 metres and not more than 5.8 metres. Only 6 rinks shall be marked on a green and social play shall not be allowed on that green, except when only 3 rinks or less are required for District play.
  • Should a green be deemed unfit for play, the Official-in-charge at the venue Club shall notify the Match Committee and no player may leave the venue until approval has been given and alternative arrangements advised.
  • Any game may be scheduled at an indoor venue at the discretion of the Match Committee.
  • Artificial lighting is permissible.


  • All venue Clubs shall provide a non-playing National accredited Umpire for the event. Should a Club be unable to provide an Umpire, they should seek assistance from nearby Clubs or the District Umpires Committee. Lady Umpires are welcome.
  • It is the responsibility of the venue Club FAX/EMAIL/PHONE results of all District games to the Match Committee and press immediately after the days play.
  • Suitable lunches must be available for purchase during all-day games.
  1. ATTIRE.
  • In all competition play, B.Q. By-laws and those of the Gateway District must be observed.
  • Coloured Club or white shirts only, registered and approved and bearing the B.A. logo must be worn.
  • Any attire that is worn in Premier league or super challenge only, or supplied by bowls manufacturers or retailers is not permitted.
  • It is a condition of play that any player appearing in attire other than that authorised in (b) will be disqualified.
  • Wearing of shorts and long socks is permitted. Only short socks with the B.A. logo may be worn.
  • Mufti clothing is not permitted in any G.D.B.A. event.
  • The use of electronic receiving devices e.g. mobile phones, radios and paging devices (except those pagers required for emergency work) and approved by the G.D.B.A. Board, is not permitted within 6 metres of the green in use during play.
  • Temporary adhesive markings are permitted, only with the approval of the controlling body.
  • Singles players losing the first round match on any day are required to make themselves available as Markers for subsequent rounds that day.
  • All score cards must be signed as to correctness and be retained by the venue CLUB until the competition has been finalised. Law
  • Players must comply with host Clubs rules relating to Government Health requirements.
  • If, during the playing of the game, a player or team is disqualified for any reason, the player or team LAST DEFEATED by the disqualified player or team, shall take the place of the player or team disqualified.
  • If, after a game has been decided, it is subsequently found that a player or team was in breach of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls- Crystal Mark Edition, Domestic Regulations or these Conditions of play, then that plater or team shall be disqualified and the match awarded to the runner/s-up.


19/1/21  Reviewed.

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